Before joining Energy For Life Academy, I didn’t understand why my mental state wasn’t getting better and deep down I knew I needed guidance to understand what was happening to me. I was living a life full of negativity; negative beliefs, stories, and patterns which I had been carrying around with me for a long time.

The impact it had was that I made decisions that were not based on my true self, this led to adrenal fatigue, internal emotional stress and a mind full of negative thoughts. I had absolutely no control over my life or my mindset. Energy For Life Academy provided a trusting support network for me to feel safe and secure. The modules provided me with what I needed to understand what had been happening to me on a daily basis. Each step unlocked valuable insights to help me grow and create more positivity to get through the days.

My results have been HUGE, I learned about giving compassion towards myself, clearing emotions that have been tucked away for years, trusting myself and what my heart is saying, making boundaries and having a weekly structure. I found the 1:1 Sessions extremely powerful as they helped me with letting go of key wounds that was predominantly stopping me from moving forward.

Corona is so understanding and so empathetic towards your transition. There is no better time than now to start your journey with Energy For Life Academy.