Before I started the Energy For Life Academy Group Mentoring Program – I was in a transitional period in my life due to a lot of big changes happening in my life – I was feeling overwhelmed, restless and anxious about the changes. My main challenges before joining the academy was a lack of direction, emotional overwhelm, lack of energy and I was stuck in negative self-talk.

The academy came along at such a valuable time for me as it provided a much needed foundation to guide me forward. Working through different tools and learnings every week inspired a renewed strength and energy in me. The programme was delivered in such a relatable and friendly way that I didn’t feel intimidated by applying the content.

The teachings were so powerful and a range of practical tools were provided each week – they always seemed to be what I needed to hear and reflect on. At any point being able to contact Corona by the use of the support button from the members area was such a reassurance.

I have taken so much from the program and I’m still continuing to do so.

My energy levels have increased greatly – which is a huge deal for me because this underpins everything. I have been following the morning ritual and I seriously can’t recommend them highly enough. Also I think because I’ve cleared many of my negative beliefs (all through the guidance and support of Corona) I feel energetically lighter.

I am applying mindful practices to my relationships. I am more aware of my triggers and the need to tune in with myself during interactions. Boundaries are something I struggled with in the past because of my sensitivity – now by bringing awareness to the present moment like you advised and checking in with myself throughout I feel more centred and relaxed. The biggest positive result I’ve noticed since working with you is changing how I now relate to myself. At the beginning of the program I didn’t have a lot of confidence or self worth – the voice in my head over the years had convinced me this was the way it had always been and would be. 

I have so much gratitude that you challenged me to start questioning and befriend that voice and origins. By being able to reflect and change limiting beliefs I had held for myself – I realised that I could take my power back and create new more supportive and positive ones. Again you guided us to do this in a gentle, non judgemental and loving way.

Thank you Corona for being such an inspiring coach, teacher and mentor – and the supportive and loving space you created for us to experience these teachings. I could understand very quickly from our first session that you genuinely care about supporting women to grow and I felt so comfortable and connected throughout the program.

I honestly gained so much from your life changing program – the layout was very accessible and I loved the connectivity of your video presentations. I’m such a big supporter of the work you are doing and I would highly recommend your life changing program to all the ladies out there – thank you so much for holding space for us.