With the help of the Energy For Life Academy program I am on the right path now, a better path. A peaceful path.

My life before this program was a whirlwind of diversions, tears, dates, poor choices, drinking and overeating. Self-sabotage. Lots and lots of tears and meltdowns. I was feeling anxious, depressed, miserable. I found Corona’s work at the right time. With Corona’s help and the support of the group I became unstuck and I have since learned to create more energy and slow down and breathe.

Inside the academy felt safe, the support group was great, the weekly phone calls were so important. The help button to ask questions was amazing. The one-on-ones with Corona were incredible. The weekly units of work were methodical and thematically and made sense, there were videos to watch and listen to and activities to complete questions to answer. Hearing the other ladies on the calls would give you more ideas on what works for different people.

Peace, meaning of life, harmonious relationships, authenticity, good communication and win/win scenarios. I found all of this and more in the program.

I have shifted so much.. fear.. guilt, remorse, some anxiety, depression, worry, self-judgment, clinging to the past and things I cannot change and moving into the present and not worrying about the future, at the same time making plans and goals. I have stopped fighting and I’ve learned to be calm and peaceful. I have more energy and am enjoying life so much more! I am making braver better choices and being more authentic and true to myself and my values. I feel so proud of what I have achieved. And so grateful to Corona and the ladies for the support!