My greatest joy is watching my clients and students succeed, here’s what they’re saying about our work together.


Suzie - Adelaide - Retreat Participant
Suzie – Adelaide – Retreat Participant
Very confronting and uplifting, challenging in all the right ways. An amazing experience for all women. Corona’s retreat was well planned and thought out. Although challenging, it was worthwhile in every way. Thank you Corona.  ...
Melinda - Sydney - Retreat and Live Event Participant
Melinda – Sydney – Retreat and Live Event Participant
Corona’s retreats and live events are amazing. This is my third retreat with Corona and you always walk away feeling like you’ve had the most amazing breakthroughs because you have had the most amazing breakthroughs. You have a lot more clarity about yourself, an awareness about what is going on around you and with other people ...
Amanda - Brisbane - Retreat and Live Event Participant
Amanda – Brisbane – Retreat and Live Event Participant
This is my second retreat with Corona. They’ve been fabulous and I couldn’t rave about them enough. The work Corona does is really really deep. It’s quite confronting at times, it will challenge you but the end result is you feel so much lighter, more open hearted, and you can really tackle the whole world and make some really big goals happen which after the last retreat I’ve really had a lot of personal progress and some goals that seemed ridiculously hard from the get go I’m actually doing ...
Nicola - Sydney - 1:1 Coaching
Nicola – Sydney – 1:1 Coaching
Corona helped me transform my life gently. I am happier than I have ever been and wake up excited for the day ahead. It’s not that I am immune to stressful situations but that I am better able to respond to them. The meditation practices and lifestyle changes are something that I can easily in-corporate into my everyday life. Corona’s beautiful and caring nature made all the difference. I am so glad that I met Corona and would recommend her to anyone ...
Madeleine - Sydney - 1:1 Coaching
Madeleine – Sydney – 1:1 Coaching
I was able to gain a greater understanding of my place in the world, spiritually, and was able to make positive changes in my life with Corona’s help. Throughout my time with Corona she was extremely supportive, nourishing and encouraging. Her knowledge is seemingly endless, as whatever ailment I came to her with she always had several solutions and would cater her knowledge to my situation and personality ...
Laura - Sydney - 1:1 Coaching
Laura – Sydney – 1:1 Coaching
Corona has taught me to see life in a whole new light. I am more confident in myself and easier on myself. I have learnt to be grateful for what I have and have adopted a much more positive attitude to life. My relationships have improved and my finances also. I have become a lot more spiritual and open minded to trying new things. Corona has shown me it is never too late to make changes whatever they may be ...

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